Learn A New Skill

There are lots of resources out there that promise you the world when it comes to reaching your goals towards fulfillment. 

My approach is to make sure what you learn is applicable in your day to day life. The more the world is evolving and the more there is a need to be updated to the latest technology.

The courses below will lay a foundation for navigating this new world and also teach you valuable skills that can increase your value in the marketplace.


Masterclass on

OBS Studio

Learn how you can record on your computer using the most versatile software.

From enhancing your zoom meetings to making videos for youtube or being a streamer, OBS is the best software out there. Giving you the freedom to express yourself in more ways than you can imagine.

Coming Soon...

Mastering Your Path

Throughout your life, some people would have asked you where you see yourself in 10 years. This is a question to gauge how ambitious you are and what you want to make of yourself. Yet most of us lack the clarity and foresight to see that far into the future. 

Rather than painting a rosy picture of the future, this course will guide you through creating your ideal lifestyle within these 10 years. Long-lasting results don't get handed to us, we have to go and chase them ourselves. And the only way to do so is by laying one foot in front of the other.

The most important part of creating a vision is not how much money you have in your bank account or whether you're spending every waking moment with the partner of your dreams. It's about creating a lifestyle you enjoy living every day meanwhile also improving long term.

Coming Soon...

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