How To Build A Routine

How To Build A Routine

Building a routine can be an effective way to establish good habits. I've been working on building routines for years now and it has helped me immensely. I've never been more productive. And it also makes me want to start the day as soon as I wake up. I used to hate starting my day and it was because I had nothing bigger than myself to work on. So if you take anything away from this post that's it. Make sure that you have a passion you're chasing after.

But with all that being said it can be challenging to know where to start. In this post, I will give you a step-by-step guide to help you build your ideal routine. Whether you're looking to establish a morning routine, a work routine, or a workout routine. We'll cover the most critical aspects of building a routine. With this, I'll share some tips and tricks to make the process seamless and enjoyable. So let's get right into it.

Identify Your Goals and Priorities

The first step in building a routine is to identify your goals and priorities. Think about what is most important to you and what you want to achieve in the short-term and long term. This could include personal, work-related, or health and wellness goals. Once you have identified your priorities, you can start to build your routine around them. I struggled with this a lot in the beginning as it was hard to 'visualize' how waking up early was a benefit. Yet sometimes you don't know the benefits of something until you try it yourself. The same went for making my bed or even meditation. 

For example, if your goal is to improve your physical fitness, you will need exercise. Make sure to find what works best for you. Some may want to work out in the gym. Others can only fit in exercise in the morning before work. Try things out and see what works before overhauling your entire schedule. Another example is if you're looking at your work productivity. You might prioritize specific tasks before others to make you more productive. Sometimes we enjoy some aspects of our work more than others. Taking care of the tough things first will make for an easier day later. Experimenting makes you find the things you might have missed before.

Create Your Habits

Once you've tried enough things to see what you like it's time to implement. This is the hardest part about building a routine. You have to let it become a part of you. We usually think that if we don't do whatever we want with our that, we aren't free. This couldn't be more wrong. It's because you've earned your time that you are free. Otherwise, you wouldn't know the difference. I used to think the same way and it turned out that if you don't do anything, you're lazy.

But the best part about building your habits is that they don't take away from your freedom. Ideally, they are something you like doing anyway. To this day I write and publish every day on Medium and my website. It's a habit that I enjoy taking part in. And it doesn't take away from my time. If anything I'm doing something I like on a time that is dedicated only to writing. This is the same for all my habits. It puts me in a better mood and ready to tackle new projects. 

The best way to start building your habits is to pick one big habit or a few small ones. Once you have them then you're to start. Make sure you execute those habits every single day for a year. The harder the habit the more focus you'll have to put toward it. But the more you do it the easier it will be.

Create A Schedule

Once you have your habits the next step is to create a schedule. This happens at different times for everyone. Some of my habits have taken between half a year to a full year to create. It's hard to include that in a schedule at first. The reason why it's hard is that you're limiting yourself. That means that if one day you forget or if you're slightly late to your habit, you'll feel bad. Almost as if you've failed. This is not noticeable at first. But fail enough times and you'll give up on your habits. 

Once your habits are part of your makeup as an individual, then you can work on a schedule. At times you'll find that some of the things you do as a habit work better at night than during the day. But you wouldn't know if you limit yourself to putting it in your schedule.

When creating your schedule, be sure to block out time for your priorities first. This will help you establish a routine around your most important activities. It's also important to be realistic when creating your schedule. Don't try to cram too many activities into one day, as this can lead to burnout and frustration. Instead, aim to create a schedule that is balanced and achievable. It will come with time but it's much easier once you don't have to worry about building your habits any more.

Establish Good Habits

The key to building a routine that sticks is to establish good habits. Good habits are behaviours that are beneficial to your overall well-being and productivity. When establishing good habits, it's important to start small and focus on one habit at a time. This could include:

  • Waking up at the same time every day
  • Drinking a glass of water in the morning
  • Meditating for 5 minutes every day
  • Taking a 10-minute walk after lunch

When establishing good habits, it's important to be consistent. Be relentless and try not to break your streak. At times I will not sleep until my daily habit is done. It tells my mind that this activity is something important that needs to be completed. Additionally, track your progress and celebrate your successes. This can help keep you stay motivated and focused on building good habits.

Adjust and Adapt

Finally, it's important to adjust and adapt your routine as needed. Life is unpredictable, your routine may need to change to accommodate new circumstances. When making adjustments, be sure to stay true to your priorities and goals. I don't advocate you get rid of habits unless absolutely necessary. If you eat every day, you won't suddenly stop. The same goes for your habits. They are meant to enrich your life and not take it away. So that's why it's important to think them through very carefully.

For example, if you're finding your workout is becoming unmanageable, consider switching things up. Maybe try a different schedule or training regiment. You can tweak things up to adapt to your circumstances. Or, if you're finding that you're not able to focus during your scheduled work time, consider adjusting your schedule. Either include more breaks or work during your most productive hours.

Building a routine can be a powerful tool. You'll be able to improve productivity, establish good habits, and achieve your goals. You do this by identifying your priorities, creating habits, making a schedule and adapting as needed. Create a routine that supports your goals and helps you achieve success. Remember to be consistent, relentless, and adaptable. Soon enough you'll be on your way to building a routine that works for you.

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